Screw the internet. Screw everything that is taking forever. Screw impatience. Screw the modern world where everything takes like two seconds to load and when it doesn't I get mad.
I just feel like venting. Screw these computers cause they don't have auto correct and when I vent I type really fast. And mess up. Screw that stupid red squiggly line that tells you that you're spelling the word wrong. Screw the word squiggly. Why the hell is it spelled like that.
Screw senior year. My classes are all pointless except for this one. Screw teachers who mark you absent even though you were only late so now you have an NC.
Screw the stupid writing prompt for our blogs this week. It's making me angry and stressing me out. an I have no idea what to write about. Yeah, that's right Nelson, I don't like this prompt. At all. Screw space camp.
Maybe it's cause I'm not creative enough. Screw creativity and how people think that creativity has to be a certain way.
Screw anger. Why do I get so angry? Screw emotions. They ruin everything.
Screw everyone and everything.
I like this, venting is sometimes just really needed. Screw it all.
ReplyDeleteHa! I like it! Way to just let it out. You're not the only one.