Monday, March 3, 2014

Admit it.

"When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it."

We've all googled ourselves at least once in our lives. It's hard to accept the fact that we're all human and we've all got a little bit of selfishness in ourselves. We love it when people comment on our posts, but find it hard or are slow to comment on other's. So just admit it. That's the first step. Don't deny it. The second step is accepting it. You can't help your selfishness if you aren't willing to accept it. I'm not trying to sound mean, or degrading, because selfishness is just a part of life. I'm not going to judge you because you are selfish. I'm going to judge you based on if you act on that selfishness. This is such a random, different post, but really. I kind of just want to give you all a challenge. Every time you do something selfish, do 3 nice things for someone else. It will brighten their day, and just might brighten yours too. It's impossible to be both selfish and happy.

"If you live your life as if everything is about you… you will be left with just that. Just you."


  1. We love it when people comment on our posts, but find it hard or are slow to comment on other's. ....I admit to this. Good post :)
