Dear Grandpa,
I miss you. I miss when you would tickle me. I miss you getting after me for sticking olives on my fingers and eating them. I miss when you would let me sit on your lap and let me "help" you play cards. I miss when you would hug me and playfully bite my ear just to hear me laugh. I miss the way you'd smile at me when I'd play with the toy cars. I miss playing in the garden and you teaching me what was ripe or not. I miss listening to your stories- no matter how long they were. I miss seeing your face light up when I'd make you birthday cards. I miss hearing your sweet voice say "I love you".
I know that you're my guardian angel now and you're watching over me. I know I've made some dumb choices, but I hope that overall, you're proud of me. I'm sorry I didn't visit you in the hospital more. I make it up by visiting your grave. I wish I had had more time with you and to get to know you better. But even now, by writing this letter, I feel closer to you. I love you, "grampa".
Dear Grandma,
I'm trying to become the strong, independent woman that you were. If I were as half as strong as you, I could rule the world. I wish I could speak my mind like you did and not be afraid. I feel bad that I was on vacation in Florida when you passed, but I know you didn't want us to cancel our trip. I feel like you were way more proud of my sister than you were of me because she could cook and crochet and do crafts unlike me. And I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations, but I'm trying. Dad tells me that you would be very proud, but I feel like you were and always will be wanting more from me. I hope that changes soon. I love you, grandma. I will forever be your "little rascal". You're always in my heart and I'm always thinking of you and how amazing you were. See you again soon.
Dear (insert close friend here),
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you like I should have. I'm sorry I asked about your cuts but never did anything to stop you from doing it. I'm sorry I judged you too quickly. I'm sorry I was scared to help you when you were in need. I'm sorry I couldn't stop you from doing what you did. I'm just sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I love you and think about you everyday. You were such a tough girl who went through crap that you didn't deserve. And I'm sorry that doing what you did was the only way to get out of your misery. I hope you're happy and at peace. Love you, girl. You will always have a special place in my heart and will always be an inspiration to me.